Links for Students

Click on the links below to play games!


Counting Money Game
Count combinations of coins to find the total amount

Place the Penguins

Help place the penguins using what you know about place value

Spooky Counting

Figure out the missing number in the sequence

Connect by 5s and 10s

Skip count by 5s or 10s to connect the dots

Hundred Chart Puzzles

Figure out the missing number on the hundred chart


Weather Surprise
Figure out what living things live in cool, cold, or hot climates

Weather Wheel

Select the correct clothes depending on the weather

Social Studies

Use a map to uncover items hidden in the snow

All Together
Use cardinal directions to move your car around the map


Create word searches with High Frequency Words and spelling words

Short I Cat Food
Help feed Roly the Cat by creating short "i" words

Leo the Lobster

Help Leo put the letters in the correct box


Make your own word clouds using High Frequency Words and spelling words


Create your own spelling check-in


Games about synonyms, antonyms and other literacy-based concepts